Monday, December 30, 2019

The Sociology of Tarzan of the Apes Essay - 1877 Words

Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs is about socialization and resocialization of the second John Clayton, Lord of Greystoke. Having lost his parents while still a baby, he was adopted by a female ape and accepted partially by her tribe. Not all members of the tribe of apes gave him full membership into their group, which caused Tarzan grief and pain, but also equipped him with the necessary tools for survival. Beyond the immediate story of Tarzan there is an underlying story of the socioeconomic progress of man in an encapsulated span of time, as it must have actually occurred over the eons since man first appeared. Within the text of the story are numerous examples of sociological occurrences dealing with different races†¦show more content†¦4. Assimilation†¦ A process by which members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups become absorbed into the dominant culture. Example: Alone in the jungle, Tarzan and his parents were the subordinate group. After the death of his parents Tarzan was absorbed into the dominant culture of the apes. 5. Bilateral Descent†¦ A system of tracing descent through both the mothers and fathers sides of the family. Example: Bilateral decent would have been impossible to trace for Tarzan had he not played in the ink from the pen his father was using to write his journal, thereby creating fingerprints. 6. Body Consciousness†¦ A term that describes how a person perceives and feels about his or her body. Example: As a young boy Tarzan was ashamed of his body because he was not hairy like the other apes. As a man, he was glad he was not covered in hair, because Jane was not. 7. Cultural Capital†¦ A term for peoples social assets, including values, beliefs, attitudes, and competencies in language and culture. Example: Teaching himself to read and write English, provided Tarzan with the cultural capital necessary to communicate with DArnot. 8. Cultural relativism†¦ The belief that the behaviors and customs of a society must be viewed and analyzed within the context of its own culture. Example: A man even considering eating another man would have been ostracized and even institutionalized from others of society, had they been aware of it. In the

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Poverty Is The Problem Of Poverty - 1159 Words

Poverty is the issue that many countries are facing and try to figure out a method for managing poverty in order to ensure the wellbeing of their citizens, Developed countries like Australia is also confronting a destitution issue in their citizen. Poverty can be characterized from various perspectives, which depend on each country’s standard. Here, poverty can be defined as an economic condition of lacking both money and basic necessities needed to successful in life, particularly for those who are socioeconomically and educationally disadvantaged. As a matter of fact, all around the world, indigenous people are the underprivileged groups in terms of economy, society and education compared to their counterparts on the range of social indicators. International research has been discovered that one of the most disadvantaged groups in the world is Indigenous Australians (Cooke, Mitrou, Lawrences, Guimond, Bravoing, 2007; Hill, Barker, Vos, 2007; Ring Brown, 2003). For this si tuation, Australian governments are finding the solution to poverty by establishing many policies and programs. this essay will demonstrate that education is considered to be a long-term solution for poverty and current policies and programs for disadvantaged groups in Australia will be evaluated. In Australia, despite the fact that there is the presence of the welfare system, poverty still continues in the society. Destitution in Australia is measured by considering the number, or ratio, ofShow MoreRelatedPoverty Is A Problem Of Poverty1398 Words   |  6 PagesPoverty has been one problem that all societies have had to deal with in some form or another. Poverty is a complex issue that has many different aspects that affect the people involved. The complexity of it is why it has been a difficult problem for people to solve. The negative stigma associated with poverty is one of the most difficult aspects to change. With enough education and knowledge, poverty will one day be a problem of the past. Many people have different opinions on what poverty meansRead MoreThe Problem Of Poverty And Poverty1640 Words   |  7 PagesThe Problem: Looking at the myriad of problems our country faces, Poverty ranks as one of the largest; affecting nearly 14.5 percent of our national population and over 21% of the population in Norman. The existing communication found in poverty relief work is failing. With poverty happening all over the world communication gaps within service slow down and weaken the success and sustainability of the relief process. There is little to no collaboration taking place between the millions of organizationsRead MorePoverty Is A Problem Of Poverty1221 Words   |  5 PagesThe topic that I chose to write on is poverty. Poverty has been a problem in our country for a long time. Approximately 47 million of people that lived in the United States of America in the year of 2014 have been living in poverty. This basically means that the poverty rate for the year 2014 was approximately 15 percentage. Furthermore, the year 2014 poverty rate was 2.3 percentage points higher than in the year of 2007, the year be fore the 2008 recession. This is the amazingly fourth consecutiveRead MorePoverty Is A Problem Of Poverty1462 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Poverty is hunger. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom† (World Bank, 2009). People all over the world, from different backgrounds, races, ages, and genders experience the horrible conditions of poverty. Living day by day on little to nothing, food insecurity, and having almost no one to be their voice to strike change is just the minimum of what the impoverished experience. This issue continuesRead MorePoverty Is A Problem Of Poverty1257 Words   |  6 PagesPoverty does not have one clear definition. It is a complicated, multi-faceted concept. It is a common social issue that has troubled nations for thousands of years. Poverty is the condition of having an insufficient amount of resources or income. Poverty has haunted the social life of Brazil for a number of years. With a booming economy, Brazil has managed to skip over poverty, for now. However, how long can they hold this issue off ? The problem does not lie in their efforts but the way they haveRead MorePoverty Is A Problem Of Poverty Essay1958 Words   |  8 Pagesdecades, poverty has been exists to be one of the biggest problem of mankind. It profoundly influences every aspect of a person’s life, limits their chance accessing to the minimum needs such as, food, drink, and shelter. According to Investopedia, poverty is defined as â€Å"a lack of something or when the quality of something is extremely low†. (Poverty Definition, n.d.) Vietnam, a South East Asia country which has recently integrated the world economic also has to deal with this problem This reportRead MoreThe Problem of Poverty1118 Words   |  5 PagesIn the world there are at least one billion children that are living in poverty. There is at least three billion people in the world that live on less than $2.50. (Shah, 2013) Poverty can be seen everywhere around the world. Carl and Belanger (2012) states that poverty happens wh en the distribution of wealth is not equally divided between all groups of people. Poverty in Canada is defined as poor quality of food, sleeping in poor quality housing, parks, or city streets, and on a daily basis it isRead MorePoverty As A Social Problem796 Words   |  4 PagesPoverty Name: Institutional affiliation: â€Æ' Introduction Author Browning Cagney (2003), defines poverty as a state of inadequate resources and low living standards that cannot cater to basic human requirements. Poverty thus means lack of basic needs such as food, clothing, health institutes, and shelter. For most countries around the world, poverty is a prevalent social issue. It usually leads to multiple social ills like parental and domestic abuse, drug abuse, diseases, and corruption among manyRead MorePoverty As A Social Problem1739 Words   |  7 Pages Poverty as a Social Problem Magdalena Brania Mrs. Kropf May 27, 2015 Poverty is inscribed in the history of the world, but it is not inherent fate of every human being. It is also not related to the human nature, which does not mean that it can not be due to its nature. All communities experience it, with a greater or lesser extent way causing psychological and sociological conflicts. Society who have to deal with poverty is not only from undeveloped countries, but also developedRead MoreThe Social Problem Of Poverty1173 Words   |  5 PagesNowadays, one of the most important associated topic in people’s live is poverty. The definition of poverty is a social condition where individuals do not have financial means to meet the most fundamental standards of the life is a acceptable by the community. Individuals experiencing poverty do not have the means to pay for basic needs of daily life like food, clothes and shelter. According to Lansley, (365) â€Å"Poverty is humiliation, the sense of being dependent on them, and of being forced to accep t

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Life Lessons Essay Free Essays

ife (â€Å"Hard Work Beats Talent, When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard†) – (Kevin Durant) Over this past summer, I experienced a lot of events that I think will change my life for the better. It seemed like everything started falling in place when I got an unexpected call from a college coach from a small school called Samford University. I was shocked that I received the call because for one, I’d never even heard of the school he was calling from. We will write a custom essay sample on Life Lessons Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, I never actually played a full game of football in high school. The reason he’d called me is because he said he was at one of the previous scouting camps I attended a few weeks prior, and he liked my athleticism and how I always worked hard and never gave up, even when he saw I was having a hard time. He wanted me to attend one of the school sponsored scouting camps that he was putting together, and he offered to get me in for free so I gladly accepted. When I arrived at the camp, I was very nervous because there were a lot more major college coaches there than I expected, and the combine included college students also, so I wasn’t just competing against any regular competitors. There were 6 different events that we were doing that day, and I had never done any of them at any previous camps so I had no faith in myself from the start. At the first event, the 40 Yard Dash, I had to race a college linebacker from another school so I had to prove to my coaches that I could take on any challenge they threw at me from the beginning. But everything didn’t go quite as I expected. On my first try I false started 2 seconds early, and everyone was laughing at me so I started to down myself. On the 2nd attempt, I false started again! It wasn’t as early as the previous one, but I was wasting all of my chances at getting an official time because I was too nervous to even start on time. On the 3rd and final attempt, I managed to get off on a good start and run a 4. 92, but the scouts weren’t very impressed by that because they knew and I knew that I could do better than what I was showing them. At the next event, the Running back drills, I was already nervous because of how bad I had done at the previous event, and it showed in my actions. When I went up to catch passes from one of the quarterbacks that was attending the camp with me, normal passes that I could catch in my sleep became difficult for me to complete. I was so worried about messing up again that I wasn’t performing to my full potential. The coach that recruited me to attend the camp took notice at my performance and pulled me aside and talked to me. He told me â€Å"he knows for a fact that I could do better, and he wants to see the athlete that he saw at the previous camp, not the nervous one that he had seen today. Just believe in myself and perform to the best of my abilities for the duration of the camp and everything would be fine†. Then he gave me a quote to think of when I got down, â€Å"Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard†. Now I don’t know what it was about that speech, but when I went back to the drill, everything seemed to fall into place. I was catching every single pass the quarterback threw me, even the ones that were badly placed. When I re-did my 40 Yard Dash, my time dropped from a 4. 2 to a 4. 8. From that point on, I exceed all my expectations at every other event that was available to me at the camp. After that day, I learned that I can’t down myself every time I mess up at something, I have to just keep doing my best and to forget the rest. And whenever I get to the point where I want to just give up, I always remember that quote that the coach told me, â€Å"Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard. Wo rd Count: 695 How to cite Life Lessons Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Enhancing Customer Loyalty at Woolworths

Question: Discuss about the Enhancing Customer Loyalty at Woolworths. Answer: Introduction The competition in the Australian retail is on the rise especially with the entry of foreign discount retailers such as Costco (US) and Aldi (Germany) which is leading to a declining market share of Woolworths (Mitchell, 2015). In this backdrop, Woolworths needs to take certain measures aimed at retaining the market share if not enhancing it (Symth, 2015). The concern is the failing market share for Woolworths which indicates that customers are highly price sensitive and tend to get attracted to the retailer that tends to offer the lowest prices as a result of which the discount retailers are making merry (RMR, 2016). While Woolworths owing to its business model cannot sustainably match the low prices offered by these retailers on a sustainable basis, it ought to look at alternate means where it could retain and possibly attract new customers by leveraging its brand and strong presence (Mortimer, 2015). This is imperative considering the acquisition costs of new customers (Nielsen, 2012). The primary research aim is to recommend measures that Woolworths can deploy in order to enhance consumer loyalty. These measures may not be limited to a standalone practice and may essentially a combination of certain practices which can enable market share retention in the short run. The various research objectives are as follows. To highlight the various measures which tend to enhance the loyalty of customers in the retail sector To identify the measures that Woolworths can apply in order to enhance the overall customer loyalty To highlight the likely effectiveness of these measures in the long run considering the industry dynamics currently prevalent in the supermarket segment in Australia. A mixed methodology would be applied for the given research problem. The first step would be to conduct a literature review of customer loyalty in the retail space with references to Australia and other developed economies. Based on the literature review, a questionnaire would be framed which would highlight the various potential strategies that could be deployed and primary data would be collected using the survey method. The target population for the survey would be the employees, supervisors and loyal customers of Woolworths. A sample would be selected at random which would consist of total 50 individuals whose responses would be collected. In order to ensure that fair representation of each group, a stratified sampling method would be deployed whereby survey responses would be recorded from 20 employees, 10 supervisors and 20 loyal customers of Woolworths. Besides, unstructured interview would also be conducted with five supervisors and five customers who would offer insight on how the company could deal with the current issue at hand. Considering that it would be unstructured, hence the discussion could be broad based and not limited to the practices identified as part of the survey. Further, the survey would then be analysed using various statistical techniques in order to find the favourable solution as per the response. Further, this would then be clubbed with the information collected in the interview and used to offer recommendations. The retail sector in Australia is witnessing a fall in the customer loyalty which is adversely impacting established players such as Woolworths (RMR, 2015). In this regard, the current business research aims to highlight the various measures which could be undertaken by Woolworths in order to enhance the overall customer loyalty and thereby resolve the current issue at hand. References Mitchell, S. (2015, November 9), Retailers prepare defence as foreign suitors search Down Under, The Sydney Morning Herald, Retrieved April 04, 2017 from Mortimer, G. (2015, September 28), Down, down but not different: Australias supermarkets in a race to thebottom, The Conversation, Retrieved April 04, 2017 from Nielsen (2012, February 5), WHERE IS THE LOVE? STORE LOYALTY DOWN AS SAVVY CONSUMERS USE PROMOTIONS TO SHOP AROUND, Nielsen Research, Retrieved April 04, 2017 from RMR (2015, September 08), Supermarket loyalty: whats that?, Roy Morgan Research, Retrieved April 04, 2017 from RMR (2016, October 24), Supermarket weep: Woolies share continues to fall and Coles and Aldi split the proceeds, Roy Morgan Research, Retrieved April 04, 2017 from Symth, J. (2015, June 17), Foreign competitors sour Australian grocery sector, The Financial Times, Retrieved April 04, 2017 from